Can't wait to get going, but not ready to leave

Can't wait to get going, but not quite ready to leave

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Holy Sore Muscles Batman!

So as I rolled over to get out of bed this morning, my arms started screaming at me to STOP MOVING!!!  I love rock climbing but man oh man are my arms sore today.  It probably didn't help that I went and lifted weights after the rock climbing, but ya gotta do what ya gotta do.  Other than that today was a pretty good day, our first day back to Kindergarten.  And I got a nice little bonus, because while I'm normally all alone in my classroom with my kids ALL DAY, today I got the pleasure of having other adult company most of the day.  Two of my co-workers were in my room most of the day just hanging out and get things done here and there.  I really enjoy adult interaction but almost didn't know what to do with myself today since it's so rare.  Anyway, I'm so glad tomorrow's Friday, even though I'm sure my weekend will be peacefully boring. 

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