Can't wait to get going, but not ready to leave

Can't wait to get going, but not quite ready to leave

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year 2013

Well here we go again... the beginning of another year.  A time to start fresh, set goals, and change/create habits.  Back in 2010, the last time I actually had a blog, my New Year's Resolution was to become a runner; and I actually did! (Well for 6 months at least)  Now I find myself running once again after hurting my back, training for a half -marathon 10K I will RUN in February.  I think what I have learned from having my blog and putting my thoughts and personal thoughts out "there" is that even if I fail or struggle with something, I might just be encouraging someone else in the process.  For instance, while I may not have ran much after June 2010, due to my back injury, I had a friend who read my blog and completed a TRIATHLON because I inspired her to run.  I also have people on a daily basis asking my how to loose weight or eat healthy, when little do they know, those are usually the days I'm struggling the most.  All of that to say, one of my goals this year is to blog... put my thoughts, ideas, struggles, inspirations, concerns, etc. out "there" to hopefully inspire someone else.  And even if that doesn't happen, I'm going to continue to live this life God has blessed me with, through the good, the bad and the ugly.  

Start fresh: I literally cleaned my house from top to bottom yesterday in attempts to literally start fresh.  Hopefully I can keep that up with a weekly cleaning schedule.  I plan on organizing every room by the end of the month too!  But we'll see about that....

Set goals: My biggest goal this year is to push past the 2-year plateau, weight loss-wise, that I've been on.  I know weight loss resolutions are so cliche, but it's my biggest goal.  And keep up with this running thing.  As much as I HATE it I know it's good for me, and who knows maybe I'll actually run that half-marathon this year.

Change/create habits:  Obviously I want to blog on a regular basis.  I also want to get into God's word on a daily basis again. I often find myself sitting around bored and reading His word would be an excellent way to occupy my time.  I also want to change the habit of negative self-talk I am guilty of doing.  It's crazy how encouraging and positive I can be to other people, but not myself.

Well here goes nothing! Wish me luck!

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