Can't wait to get going, but not ready to leave

Can't wait to get going, but not quite ready to leave

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Free Bread

So in order to help me draw closer to God, I got a book at the store today called "Not a Fan" by Kyle Idleman. Here's what the back says...

"Are you a fan or a follower? The dictionary defines a fan as 'an enthusiastic admirer.' Fans want to be close enough to Jesus to get all the benefits, but not so close that it requires sacrifice. Fans may be fine with repeating a prayer, attending church on the weekend, and slapping a Jesus fish on their bumpers. But is that really the extent of the relationship Jesus wants? Jesus was never interested in having admirers. It's not fans He is looking for. 'Not a Fan' challenges you to consider what it really means to call yourself a Christian...."

Well that's exactly what I plan to do! So far I've only read the prologue and it talks about how when Jesus fed the five thousand, they all followed him. Not because they loved him, but because they wanted free bread. It went on to explain how sometimes, we as Christians, try to make Jesus look as attractive as possible so other will come to know him, but in the process we cheapen the gospel. Essentially we are offering free bread....

I think I'm really going to like this book!


  1. hmmm that sounds good. May need to borrow it when you are done! =)

  2. I LOVE it so far! It's just what I needed.
