Can't wait to get going, but not ready to leave

Can't wait to get going, but not quite ready to leave

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Following Jesus or Followoing the Rules

Honestly I don't even know where to begin.... Tonight's chapter hit a little too close to home and needless to say it was tearful read. I can't really go any further without sharing a bit of my own testimony. When I was 14 my parents put me in a private school (that's a whole different blog), that was part of a baptist church.  The youth pastor happened to also be a teacher at the school and invited me to a Wednesday night youth service.  I went and ended up getting saved at a youth lock-in the beginning of my freshman year (2000). I quickly became a member of the church and started serving in the bus ministry immediately. I later went on to serve and lead the toddler ministry. I did that for 11 years until I realized I wasnt going to church anymore. Yes, I was AT the church three services a week, but for almost 11 solid years, I never went to more than a handful of services! I was more like an unpaid employee, and I began to dread Sundays knowing I'd be at the church, working, all day. 

Now about tonight's chapter... As you know by now this book is about being follower vs being just a fan of Jesus. The chapter opens with this..."If you asked them [fans], 'Are you a fan or a follower?' they would confidently respond 'follower'. It's not a question of their effort or desire. They are following hard. Here is the problem; it's not Jesus they are following. Without realizing it they are aiming at the wrong target. Instead of following Jesus they are following religious rules and rituals. They have confused the targets." That's about when the first tears began to flow. It hit me like a ton of bricks. For 11 years (that's a long time) I was focusing on the wrong target! 

The author, Kyle Idleman, goes onto say how most religious leaders nowadays are really good at following the rules (usually that they themselves make up) but aren't really concerned about following Jesus.  He also says that most fans fit into one of two groups: rule followers, with intellectual knowledge, or actors who were born into Christianity and never fell in love with Jesus. This lead to a good chunk of the chapter being about hypocrites, people who wear several different masks but you never see the real person n the inside. "And this describes many fans that I know. You look really good. You have this part down. You know what to say, and what not to say. You can pray the prayers and you can sing the songs. But you never chose it. It was just handed down to you. Or you're going through the motions, putting on an impressive performance but it isn't real. Your heart is not in it."(p.72) And the tears kept on flowing! My pastor at eh time, would always say "fake it til you make it." I realize now how much faking I was doing. I was putting on quite the performance but my heart was not in it.

Kyle goes onto describe what religious fans look like, I've seen it with my own eyes! Then I started crying for those people, who are so caught up in the "look" of Christianity that they don't even realize it. "Fans who make sure people see them put in their offering at church, but they haven't considered reaching out to their neighbor who lost a job and can't pay the bills. Fans who like seeing other people fail because in their minds it makes them look better. Fans who are reading this and assuming I'm describing someone else. Fans who have worn the mask for so long they have fooled even themselves." (p. 73) He also explains what "Christ wants in a follower-someone who isn't pretending on the outside to have it all together."(p.74)

This quote however hit me the hardest, "[Matt. 23:27-28] would often describe the faith of a fan. On the inside their faith has grown cold and is dying, but they are determined to keep up appearances."(p.75)  That was me for 11 years. My faith never had time to grow before it burnt out. The chapter goes on to further discuss the rule-loving religious leaders and how it applies today, but it is WAY past my bedtime so I will have to save that for another day. Sorry for my super long post tonight.... Lots on my mind. 

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

One and Only

Another good challenge tonight: is Jesus your one and only? This sums it up nicely....

"Imagine that the different loves of your life are competing in a race to see who wins first place. Jesus, your spouse, your children, a best friend, and a sibling are all lined up on the starting blocks. The idea isn't that Jesus comes in first place in this race. What Jesus is describing here is more accurately understood by picturing a race for first place in your life and He is the only one on the track.  Jesus isn't just saying 'I want to be first place in your life.' He is saying, 'I don't want there to be a second place.' When we compare our relationships with him to anyone else there should be no competition. Fans will try and make Jesus one of many. Some fans may even make Jesus the first of many. But when Jesus defines the relationship he makes it clear; he wants to be your one and only."(p.58-59, not a fan by Kyle Idleman)

Define the relationship... One of many or one and only?

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Knowledge vs Intimacy

Tonight's question: do you just know about Jesus or do you really know him?  I particularly liked tonight's chapter considering I did not grow up in church learning scripture like most people do when they grow up in a church.  I did not go to Sunday school or do bible drills or Awanas, but tonight's message reminded me that having an intimate relationship with God is far more important than KNOWING everything about Him.  Yes knowing about Him is part of being intimate, but it doesn't define intimacy.  Just because there is knowledge doesn't mean there is intimacy.  Like Matthew 15:8 says when Jesus describes the Pharisees, "these people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me.". Funny thing is, I used to be impressed by these people but I've come to realize knowledge isn't everything, it's important but your intimate relationship is more important! 

"O Lord, you have examined my heart and know everything about me. You know when I sit down or stand up. You know my thoughts even when I am far away. You see me when I travel and when I rest at home. You know everything I do. You know what I am going to say even before I say it, Lord."- Psalm 139

Monday, January 7, 2013

Decision or Commitment

So tonight's challenge was are you believing and following or just believing.  Biggest attention getting question.... Has following Jesus cost you anything, has it interfered with your life? WOW! He just came out and asked that, like it was nothing.  I had to stop and think about it.... I can't honestly think of what following Jesus has cost me, what sacrifices I've ever had to make to follow Jesus. Then I got to thinking, am I just believing in Jesus or am I really trying to FOLLOW Him? In order to follow you have to move (away from something, toward something? I'm not really sure but just move).

"Most of us don't mind making some minor changes in our lives but Jesus wants to turn our lives upside down. Fans don't mind Him doing a little touch-up work, but Jesus wants a complete renovation. Fans come to Jesus thinking tune-up, but Jesus is thinking overhaul. Fans think a little make-up, but Jesus is thinking makeover. Fans think a little decorating is required, but Jesus wants a complete remodel. Fans want Jesus to inspire them, but Jesus wants to interfere with their lives." (p.31)

He goes onto say...."So in case someone left it out or forgot to mention it when they explained what it meant to be a Christian, let me be clear: There is no forgiveness without repentance. There is no salvation without surrender. There is no life without death. There is no believing without committing."

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Fan or Follower?

In my book today I was challenged to answer this question... "Are you a follower of Jesus?". Seems simple enough right?! Well as I continued to read I realize how easy it is to dismiss this question because we've either already answered it or it's just not relevant to us and we don't care. This chapter also challenged me to define my relationship with Christ. 

"Fans often confuse their admiration for devotion. They mistake their knowledge of Jesus for intimacy with Jesus. Fans assume their good intentions make up for their apathetic faith. Maybe you've made up your mind that you're a follower and not a fan;well, I hope you keep reading, because one of the core symptoms of "fandom" is that fans almost always consider themselves to be followers."(p.27)

Well needless to say I'm going to keep reading. The author is really funny and other than the pages not being justified (one of my many pet peeves) I am loving this book!

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Free Bread

So in order to help me draw closer to God, I got a book at the store today called "Not a Fan" by Kyle Idleman. Here's what the back says...

"Are you a fan or a follower? The dictionary defines a fan as 'an enthusiastic admirer.' Fans want to be close enough to Jesus to get all the benefits, but not so close that it requires sacrifice. Fans may be fine with repeating a prayer, attending church on the weekend, and slapping a Jesus fish on their bumpers. But is that really the extent of the relationship Jesus wants? Jesus was never interested in having admirers. It's not fans He is looking for. 'Not a Fan' challenges you to consider what it really means to call yourself a Christian...."

Well that's exactly what I plan to do! So far I've only read the prologue and it talks about how when Jesus fed the five thousand, they all followed him. Not because they loved him, but because they wanted free bread. It went on to explain how sometimes, we as Christians, try to make Jesus look as attractive as possible so other will come to know him, but in the process we cheapen the gospel. Essentially we are offering free bread....

I think I'm really going to like this book!

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Holy Sore Muscles Batman!

So as I rolled over to get out of bed this morning, my arms started screaming at me to STOP MOVING!!!  I love rock climbing but man oh man are my arms sore today.  It probably didn't help that I went and lifted weights after the rock climbing, but ya gotta do what ya gotta do.  Other than that today was a pretty good day, our first day back to Kindergarten.  And I got a nice little bonus, because while I'm normally all alone in my classroom with my kids ALL DAY, today I got the pleasure of having other adult company most of the day.  Two of my co-workers were in my room most of the day just hanging out and get things done here and there.  I really enjoy adult interaction but almost didn't know what to do with myself today since it's so rare.  Anyway, I'm so glad tomorrow's Friday, even though I'm sure my weekend will be peacefully boring. 

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

The "Awesomenest" Job

Today was such a fun day!  First let me tell you a little about what I do everyday....  I work at a daycare pre-school called Primrose that happens to also have a Private Kindergarten.  I am the Kindergarten teacher.  Now working at a "daycare-type" facility, means I don't have the benefits most regular teachers have: paid breaks throughout the school year, health benefits, sick time, etc.  So while most teachers have a nice 2 week break around Christmas, I'm working with the after-school program at Primrose.  We try to make it as fun as possible while they're on break (we need a break too) so we plan field trips and fun activities during the break.  Today we went rock climbing!!!! Of course I planned this field trip, since rock climbing is my favorite "sport", but I had no idea how much fun I'd actually end up having.  But my favorite part of the day was, hands down, when one of my Kindergarteners came up to me and said, "I hope I can be an awesomenest teacher like you Mrs. Bates!" Shut the front door! My heart almost came bursting out of my chest! So even though I had to work during Christmas Break while most regular teachers had some time away from their kids, I would have never had the experience I had today if I hadn't been working.  So all in all, I am very happy that school starts back up again tomorrow and I can get back to doing what I love... helping children realize their potential and watching them discover they can move mountains!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year 2013

Well here we go again... the beginning of another year.  A time to start fresh, set goals, and change/create habits.  Back in 2010, the last time I actually had a blog, my New Year's Resolution was to become a runner; and I actually did! (Well for 6 months at least)  Now I find myself running once again after hurting my back, training for a half -marathon 10K I will RUN in February.  I think what I have learned from having my blog and putting my thoughts and personal thoughts out "there" is that even if I fail or struggle with something, I might just be encouraging someone else in the process.  For instance, while I may not have ran much after June 2010, due to my back injury, I had a friend who read my blog and completed a TRIATHLON because I inspired her to run.  I also have people on a daily basis asking my how to loose weight or eat healthy, when little do they know, those are usually the days I'm struggling the most.  All of that to say, one of my goals this year is to blog... put my thoughts, ideas, struggles, inspirations, concerns, etc. out "there" to hopefully inspire someone else.  And even if that doesn't happen, I'm going to continue to live this life God has blessed me with, through the good, the bad and the ugly.  

Start fresh: I literally cleaned my house from top to bottom yesterday in attempts to literally start fresh.  Hopefully I can keep that up with a weekly cleaning schedule.  I plan on organizing every room by the end of the month too!  But we'll see about that....

Set goals: My biggest goal this year is to push past the 2-year plateau, weight loss-wise, that I've been on.  I know weight loss resolutions are so cliche, but it's my biggest goal.  And keep up with this running thing.  As much as I HATE it I know it's good for me, and who knows maybe I'll actually run that half-marathon this year.

Change/create habits:  Obviously I want to blog on a regular basis.  I also want to get into God's word on a daily basis again. I often find myself sitting around bored and reading His word would be an excellent way to occupy my time.  I also want to change the habit of negative self-talk I am guilty of doing.  It's crazy how encouraging and positive I can be to other people, but not myself.

Well here goes nothing! Wish me luck!